Articles & Advice for Women

Women Empowering Women is centered on the belief that women are stronger when they work together. It’s time to realize that our best resource is each other. None of us have to go through our problems alone. The stronger your network is, the stronger your chance for success.  Through the many resources available on this site, we offer advice for women to help them learn, connect, and succeed.

The goal of WEW is to elevate the individual woman by the strength of our community. Our goal is nurturing a thriving community of diverse women with much to share from their own life experiences.

Your input has value!

With your input and contribution of ideas, we all grow together.

Finally, here is the community for those who are not afraid to voice their opinion constructively. We host this platform so that ideas can be shared to make a difference.

Discussion is encouraged and appreciated.

How to Encourage Your Kids, to Get Better Behavior From Them

By Kathy Koch Miranda is tired of nagging her preteen daughter to do her chores. Jack doesn’t know how to motivate his son to turn off the video games and tackle his schoolwork. Amanda struggles to help her sensitive kindergartener deal with his big emotions. What do...

When Self-Help Just Makes Your Life Worse

By Maggie Puniewska December 5th, 2018 It started with the internet. Every time she was online, it seemed like Bénédicte Kinkolo was served up another story about some successful person doing something great: running a business, winning awards, making millions of...

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

By Sara Levavi-Eilat   Have you ever been harassed in the street? Received a crass message on a dating app? Had a coworker make a comment about your appearance that just didn’t sit right? You’re not alone. With the #MeToo movement, it’s easy to log onto Twitter...

Why We Buy The Things We Buy

The mysteries of consumer behavior, explained by ice cream and independent bookstores. By David Sax September 11th, 2018 A food trend arrived two summers ago in the neighborhood of Toronto where I live that continues to beguile me for its endurance. In an area with...

How Do You Make Friends As An Adult?

By: Kate Leaver March 28th, 2018 Looking back at your childhood with rose-tinted glasses can trick you into thinking it was easy to make friends as a kid. You shared a biscuit, a puzzle and maybe some germs, and you had a friend for life. But the playground is a harsh...

Finding The Right Activities For Your Children

Believe it or not, it is that time of year again. As we get the backpacks and new crayons ready to go for school, we might also be thinking about extracurricular activities for our children. These programs are a great way to expose children to activities or sports...

How To Stay Safe Online

By Ben Andrews, Matt Hanson, Nate Drake December 4th, 2017 Our online privacy is something we should all care about – in particular, what information we're revealing about ourselves without knowing it. Assuming you're not doing anything illegal, there's nothing...


Investing 101 Part 13: Stock Market Volatility

Volatility Is Scary—but It's Normal   By the end of the day on Monday, the Dow experienced its largest one-day drop ever. The day’s losses were up to around 4.6 percent of the index’s value, which is not insignificant, but also not unheard of: A drop of more than...

Investing 101 Part 12: Investing & Market Timing

The timing of entering the stock market and being right is almost always an impossible task. Buying low and selling high is everyone’s goal. This is an impossible goal because many of the variables that influence the direction of markets have nothing to do with the...

Investing 101 Part 11: What Is a Master Limited Partnership?

MLPs offer some investors the ultimate package: tax advantages plus liquidity. There's a world of investment options out there that extends far beyond stocks and bonds. One such example is the master limited partnership. A master limited partnership, or MLP, is a...

Financial Literacy

National And International Credit Card Debt Crisis

By David Lipman October 11th, 2018 Banks around the world largest source of profits is the interest and late fees on their credit card debt issued to customers. This income is in addition to the fee they charge the vendors ranging from 1.5% to 2.5% on every...

Is Your Home a Better Investment Than the Stock Market?

By J.D. Roth July 26th, 2018 This morning, I read a piece at Slate by Felix Salmon called “The Millionaire’s Mortgage”. Salmon’s argument is simple: “Paying off your house is saving for retirement.” Now, I don’t necessarily disagree with this basic premise. I too...


Banking 101 Part 2: Your Credit Rating

Banking 101 Series - Part 2: Your Credit Rating Throughout your life your credit score follows you around like your shadow. It is one of the most important things in everyone’s life, and ignored by most people. The lack of understanding how your personal credit score...

Banking 101 Part 1: Debit Card, Credit Card, ATM Card Explained

Banking 101 Series – Part 1: Debit Card, Credit Card, ATM Card Explained Differences between debit card, credit card and an ATM card. These are very different and without proper knowledge can cause many headaches and risks to your credit rating. An ATM card is a pin...

Depression Can Start with a Leaky Gut

By Maria Cross MSc April 5th, 2018 It would be foolish to believe that depression can be overcome with a single solution. But for some people, the light at the end of the tunnel shines in a very surprising place. It certainly did for me. Healing my depression came...

Is Boswellia (Indian Frankincense) A “Magical” Remedy?

When conventional medicine is not helping or the side affects of medical treatments are almost as bad as the symptoms of the disease, people are searching for something else. Often it looks like our ancestors had calmer, healthier, happier lives. Can we use their...

How To Leave Toxic Diet Culture Behind And Pursue Actual Health

The real data behind weight loss research points to a radically different approach to healthy living By Ragen Chastain April 26th, 2018 I recently received an e-mail from a blog reader: “My mom passed away last week. She has been on a perpetual diet since before I was...

Everything You Need to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Medical Author: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP Medical Editor: Bhupinder S. Anand, MBBS, MD, DPHIL (OXON)   Have you considered that your digestion problems and stomachache could be related to Irritable bowel syndrome? IBS is a common disorder, affecting an estimated...

10 Powerful Mudras and How to Use Them

By Leo Carver   In the practice of Yoga, you are encouraged to use your body in many ways, but ultimately with the intention of drawing yourself inward. Mudras are powerful tools for accomplishing this. The term mudra applies to the use of hand gestures during...

The Decline of American Motherhood

The share of the U.S. population who are moms is the smallest it’s been in a quarter century. BY LYMAN STONE MAY 13, 2018 FAMILY As the American population grows, so does the number of American moms. But, more than a century after Mother’s Day became an official...

Help Your Kids to Take Care of Their Teeth

Source: Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease found in American children. That’s a shocking statistic because in most cases, tooth decay is preventable. You might think that the state of...

26 Insecurity Signals and the Simple Behavior Changes to Fix Them

May 29, 2019 By Tyler Tervooren  The gist: We all have nervous habits we display in uncomfortable situations that make us look weak. Once you recognize yours, they’re surprisingly easy to correct. We all have lots of insecure behaviors we put on display...

How Body Language Makes You Smarter, Stronger & More Attractive

By Vanessa Van Edwards The gist: 60% of communication is nonverbal, but we rarely think about communication beyond language. To be a terrific communicator, take control of what your body is doing when you speak and listen. You have a secret superpower. If you’re...

5 Lessons to Jump-start Your Design Career

By Kate Aronowitz December 10th, 2018   In design, we’ve officially moved from a problem of demand to one of supply. Just do a search on LinkedIn and you’ll see there are more than 88,000 job listings for designers. With the influx of design opportunities, it may...

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

By Katty Kay and Claire Shipman May, 2014 Women made undeniable progress. In the United States, women now earn more college and graduate degrees than men do. We make up half the workforce, and we are closing the gap in middle management. Half a dozen global studies,...

How To Get The Life Of Your Dreams?

By Benjamin P. Hardy August 14th, 2018 “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” — Richard Whately Life is busy. It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. If you have a full-time job and kids, it’s even harder. If you don’t...

Understanding Proactivity and Becoming a Proactive Entrepreneur

By Patrick Ewers April 12th, 2018 Here we go again: Another article on proactivity, right? Hold on: This one’s different and it may just be the last you need to read. But I get it: I’m not the first person to stress the importance of being proactive. In fact, it’s...

Being Woman – Part 11: “I’m from heaven”

Usually I don’t think of myself as an immigrant. I guess like most people I read about immigrants in newspapers, I notice them in the streets, I look at them as “others”. In reality, I am one of them, I am the “other”. I have been living in the country that I call my...

Being Woman – Part 10: Being The Central Figure Of My Life

It might sound weird but I’m trying to become the central figure of my life. To be here… and now… It can be a long journey. Couple years ago I had no idea where to start… I started with a simple exercise: I took a piece of paper, set the timer for 10 minutes, and...

Being Woman – Part 9: Letter To The Future 

Dear Love of My Life, I haven’t met you yet, but hopefully one day we will meet. I will be fine if you don’t show up in my life. I know I will. At least, I want to believe of your existence. I hope you will come, I’m just not ready yet… I need time to get a clearer...

Being Woman – Part 8: Letter To My Past

Dear Mr. Ex, There are days when I think that you are and will probably be the most important man in my life. There are days when I don’t give a shit about you and there are days when I want to smash your disgusting face... There are days when I would like you to...

Being Woman – Part 7: Emptiness

There are days when I feel like something is broken inside me, like I lack some kind of important organ, or cell, or one spiral of nerve in my head. It is like putting a huge puzzle of 3,000 pieces and at the end realizing that one piece is missing. You have been...

Being Woman – Part 5: The day I became a mother

I should probably call it a “night” rather than a day; even though it is a long process that takes 9 months. However, the night that I became a mother was the scariest, loneliest night in my entire life… My baby was supposed to see this world in the beginning of...

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