Articles & Advice for Women

Women Empowering Women is centered on the belief that women are stronger when they work together. It’s time to realize that our best resource is each other. None of us have to go through our problems alone. The stronger your network is, the stronger your chance for success.  Through the many resources available on this site, we offer advice for women to help them learn, connect, and succeed.

The goal of WEW is to elevate the individual woman by the strength of our community. Our goal is nurturing a thriving community of diverse women with much to share from their own life experiences.

Your input has value!

With your input and contribution of ideas, we all grow together.

Finally, here is the community for those who are not afraid to voice their opinion constructively. We host this platform so that ideas can be shared to make a difference.

Discussion is encouraged and appreciated.

Women’s Changing Role in Family and The Workplace

One of the main institutions in society is found within the household and is popularly known as “The Family”. It is here, in the family, where the commencement of society takes place. It is amongst this unit that the origin of women’s oppression began with the...

What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother

BY ADRIENNE LAFRANCE JAN 8, 2015 From joy and attachment to anxiety and protectiveness, mothering behavior begins with biochemical reactions. The artist Sarah Walker once told me that becoming a mother is like discovering the existence of a strange new room in the...

Consumerism. Shopping. Sale Trap.

When it comes to shopping I both like it and hate it. For some unknown reason I find it very hard to pass by a shop that screams SALE. Even though there are sales, Black Fridays, sample sales almost every day, I still find it hard to resist just checking what’s on...

33 Powerful Ways of Overcoming Fear Right Now

Source:   Getting through fear is a skill that anyone can learn. The problem is that most people cling to their fears, because it seams easier, safer, and comforting. If you aren’t ready to face your fears, you probably won’t transcend...

Parenting in the Dangerous World

Author: Lisa C. Baker Overprotective parenting has become a lifestyle for many families, as parents hover over their children in fear that they might get hurt. But kids also need to experience the world firsthand in order to learn and grow. How do you find the balance...

Our Teens are Getting the Wrong Idea about Body Love

Author: Amy Roskelley When body love is appearance-focused, it’s not really helping our kids. I recently messaged all the teenagers I knew on Instagram to ask them what they thought it means to love your body. I wasn’t exactly surprised by their answers; they matched...

Importance of self-esteem

Our self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. If you have low self-esteem you may feel: like you hate or dislike yourself worthless or not good enough unable to make decisions or assert yourself like no one likes you you blame yourself for things that aren't...


Investing 101 Part 9: The Law of Supply and Demand

Investing 101 Series – Part 9: The Law of Supply and Demand The principle of supply and demand is one of the most important concepts in economics. It helps us understand how and why transactions on markets take place and how prices are determined. To learn more about...

Investing 101 Part 8: Choose a Financial Planner

Investing 101 Series - Part 8: How to Choose a Financial Planner Financial planners advise clients on how best to save, invest, and grow their money. They can help you tackle a specific financial goal—such as readying yourself to buy a house—or give you a macro view...

Financial Literacy

Investment Terms

BY JOSHUA KENNON One of the toughest parts of beginning your journey as an investor is encountering terms that you don't understand. It can seem overwhelming in the beginning but, like anything, once you get the hang of it, you realize there was no reason to be...

Closing the Gender Investing Gap

By Stephanie Cohen, Chief Strategy Officer, Goldman Sachs June 19, 2018 Goldman Sachs one of the most prestigious Investment Banks in the world is offering their capital market strength to help women entrepreneurs. In our opinion this represents a classic beginning of...

Beginner’s Guide to Section 529 Savings Accounts

Consider a Section 529 Plan for Your Child's College Future Author: Ken Clark Updated March 17, 2018 Funding college is a great concern for parents, grandparents, and other loved ones. A smart investment like a Section 529 savings account can help you build on your...


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20 Simple Ways Too Take Great Care Of Yourself

Source: Danielle Eva Pewhairangi With a season change upon us, it's important to take extra good care of ourselves. Therefore, I've designed this little 20-step plan, full of tips on how to re-vamp without feeling hungry or doing anything too extreme. Be prepared to...

10 Healthy Habits Parents Should Teach Their Kids

As a parent, you pass more than genes down to your children. Kids pick up your habits too — both good and bad. Show your kids you care about them by sharing these nuggets of health advice that they’ll carry with them long after you can carry them. Habit 1: Make eating...

Teaching your Children about money in the digital world

Source: 'Invisible money' is becoming more prominent in the digital age, teaching your children about money and how to manage it is now more important than ever. The 2016 UK...

Top 10 Characteristics of Successful and Creative Women

By Peter Jones 1 Assertiveness If you find yourself backing into requests or questions and/or constantly apologizing for yourself, then you might need to harden your assertiveness quotient. Trade in your inner pussycat for an inner tiger. Just try not to be too...

9 Things That Get Men Promoted At Work But That Hold Women Back

By Lauren Schumacker Dec 18 2018 Most working women are probably already acutely aware that, many times, their male colleagues make more money than they do, get better and more challenging projects and assignments, and get promoted more quickly. Part of the reason why...

What Gender Pay-Gap Statistics Aren’t Capturing

By Bourree Lam JUL 27, 2016 Women are in fact more likely to choose lower-paying jobs, but numbers do a poor job of highlighting the cultural biases that can shape their decisions.   In discussions of the gender-pay gap, there’s one counter-argument that comes up a...


BY: DAVID LIPMAN, Co-Founder, WEW Llc Everyone in life ponders their fate and direction of their life and especially their career. More often than not they look at other people and say to themselves boy that person was lucky. When I became Controller of Salomon...

The Decline of the quality of life in the United States – Part 1

BY: DAVID LIPMAN, Co-Founder, WEW Llc The quality of life which includes all the basic areas: health, happiness, financial security and life without stress has deteriorated rapidly in the last 4 or 5 decades. In order to provide for a comfortable existence, health...

Being Woman – Part 4: Thank you Ross!

When I was in my early twenties I received a book, a handwritten book, a book for me and about me, a love book, a good bye book. I tried reading it, but it felt so stupid and embarrassing, so I came back home and put it in the back of the drawer. I didn’t know what to...

Being Woman – Part 3: About Me

I was born in January – first month of year, first month of winter. I remember reading somewhere that people born in winter are less happy and more depressed. In my case it is true. I always thought that having a boring life is the worst thing that can happen to a...

Being Woman – Part 2: Saying Goodbye

The process of separation is very very long and painful. It has been almost a year now in my case. And things are slowly moving forward. Apartment that once was our common home is for sale now. I look at the pictures and all the things were bought, used, enjoyed by...

Being Woman – Part 1: Only One Thing

Every morning I open my eyes and feel flooded by the pile of things I have to do: have a shower, wash my hair, find decent outfit for myself and my kids, make breakfast (usually it’s 2 different sorts of porridge), drink lemon water, make coffee, prepare fruit and...

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