By making smart decisions, let your savings grow while you are having fun! Women are succeeding in all walks of life, and they are taking on leadership roles in the corporate world, starting their own successful businesses, and joining the ranks of the most exclusive professional fields. This success means they are making more money than ever before. While gender inequality in the workplace is still a significant issue, women are closing the gap, making sound financial planning and financial literacy vital skills every woman should have. From learning how to set up a budget, to making prudent and smart investment choices, the following articles on financial planning for women will explain how to achieve financial literacy and help women learn about investing, banking, and more.


Investing 101 Part 13: Stock Market Volatility

Volatility Is Scary—but It's Normal   By the end of the day on Monday, the Dow experienced its largest one-day drop ever. The day’s losses were up to around 4.6 percent of the index’s value, which is not insignificant, but also not unheard of: A drop of more than...

Investing 101 Part 12: Investing & Market Timing

The timing of entering the stock market and being right is almost always an impossible task. Buying low and selling high is everyone’s goal. This is an impossible goal because many of the variables that influence the direction of markets have nothing to do with the...

Investing 101 Part 11: What Is a Master Limited Partnership?

MLPs offer some investors the ultimate package: tax advantages plus liquidity. There's a world of investment options out there that extends far beyond stocks and bonds. One such example is the master limited partnership. A master limited partnership, or MLP, is a...

Investing 101 Part 10: Why Real Estate Is One of the Best Investments

Investing 101 Series – Part 10: Why Real Estate Is One of the Best Investments For those who find the stock market too complicated, real estate offers a very good investment vehicle with tax benefits. I would caution, though, it is not for everyone. There are many...

Investing 101 Part 9: The Law of Supply and Demand

Investing 101 Series – Part 9: The Law of Supply and Demand The principle of supply and demand is one of the most important concepts in economics. It helps us understand how and why transactions on markets take place and how prices are determined. To learn more about...

Financial Literacy

National And International Credit Card Debt Crisis

By David Lipman October 11th, 2018 Banks around the world largest source of profits is the interest and late fees on their credit card debt issued to customers. This income is in addition to the fee they charge the vendors ranging from 1.5% to 2.5% on every...

Is Your Home a Better Investment Than the Stock Market?

By J.D. Roth July 26th, 2018 This morning, I read a piece at Slate by Felix Salmon called “The Millionaire’s Mortgage”. Salmon’s argument is simple: “Paying off your house is saving for retirement.” Now, I don’t necessarily disagree with this basic premise. I too...

Investment Terms

BY JOSHUA KENNON One of the toughest parts of beginning your journey as an investor is encountering terms that you don't understand. It can seem overwhelming in the beginning but, like anything, once you get the hang of it, you realize there was no reason to be...

Closing the Gender Investing Gap

By Stephanie Cohen, Chief Strategy Officer, Goldman Sachs June 19, 2018 Goldman Sachs one of the most prestigious Investment Banks in the world is offering their capital market strength to help women entrepreneurs. In our opinion this represents a classic beginning of...


Banking 101 Part 2: Your Credit Rating

Banking 101 Series - Part 2: Your Credit Rating Throughout your life your credit score follows you around like your shadow. It is one of the most important things in everyone’s life, and ignored by most people. The lack of understanding how your personal credit score...

Banking 101 Part 1: Debit Card, Credit Card, ATM Card Explained

Banking 101 Series – Part 1: Debit Card, Credit Card, ATM Card Explained Differences between debit card, credit card and an ATM card. These are very different and without proper knowledge can cause many headaches and risks to your credit rating. An ATM card is a pin...

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