Career Advice for Women

Learn ways to take your career to the next level and accomplish greater success. Discover what drives your decisions and find happiness in your professional life. Understand how career guidance for women is evolving every day. The landscape for women has changed significantly over the past 25 years. Today, more women are graduating college and entering the workforce with goals of making it to the top of their professional field. Still, there are challenges, like cultural biases and stereotypes women must confront head-on. The following articles offering career advice for women will describe some of these challenges, ways to overcome them, and new opportunities women can take advantage of to empower themselves to succeed.

You can also join our online women’s network, and connect with other women in similar positions, or who have been in your shoes, to gain career advice and guidance.

26 Insecurity Signals and the Simple Behavior Changes to Fix Them

May 29, 2019 By Tyler Tervooren  The gist: We all have nervous habits we display in uncomfortable situations that make us look weak. Once you recognize yours, they’re surprisingly easy to correct. We all have lots of insecure behaviors we put on display...

How Body Language Makes You Smarter, Stronger & More Attractive

By Vanessa Van Edwards The gist: 60% of communication is nonverbal, but we rarely think about communication beyond language. To be a terrific communicator, take control of what your body is doing when you speak and listen. You have a secret superpower. If you’re...

Mental constructs from your 9-to-5 job that are bad for self-employment

By Bruce Flow October 18, 2018 If you are highly successful in your corporate career, it does not mean you necessarily have what it takes to be self-employed. Typical examples of self-employment include freelancing or running your own business. I would like to avoid...

5 Lessons to Jump-start Your Design Career

By Kate Aronowitz December 10th, 2018   In design, we’ve officially moved from a problem of demand to one of supply. Just do a search on LinkedIn and you’ll see there are more than 88,000 job listings for designers. With the influx of design opportunities, it may...

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

By Katty Kay and Claire Shipman May, 2014 Women made undeniable progress. In the United States, women now earn more college and graduate degrees than men do. We make up half the workforce, and we are closing the gap in middle management. Half a dozen global studies,...

How To Get The Life Of Your Dreams?

How To Get The Life Of Your Dreams?

By Benjamin P. Hardy August 14th, 2018 “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” — Richard Whately Life is busy. It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. If you have a full-time job and kids, it’s even harder. If you don’t...

Understanding Proactivity and Becoming a Proactive Entrepreneur

By Patrick Ewers April 12th, 2018 Here we go again: Another article on proactivity, right? Hold on: This one’s different and it may just be the last you need to read. But I get it: I’m not the first person to stress the importance of being proactive. In fact, it’s...

Top 10 Characteristics of Successful and Creative Women

By Peter Jones 1 Assertiveness If you find yourself backing into requests or questions and/or constantly apologizing for yourself, then you might need to harden your assertiveness quotient. Trade in your inner pussycat for an inner tiger. Just try not to be too...

9 Things That Get Men Promoted At Work But That Hold Women Back

By Lauren Schumacker Dec 18 2018 Most working women are probably already acutely aware that, many times, their male colleagues make more money than they do, get better and more challenging projects and assignments, and get promoted more quickly. Part of the reason why...

What Gender Pay-Gap Statistics Aren’t Capturing

By Bourree Lam JUL 27, 2016 Women are in fact more likely to choose lower-paying jobs, but numbers do a poor job of highlighting the cultural biases that can shape their decisions.   In discussions of the gender-pay gap, there’s one counter-argument that comes up a...


BY: DAVID LIPMAN, Co-Founder, WEW Llc Everyone in life ponders their fate and direction of their life and especially their career. More often than not they look at other people and say to themselves boy that person was lucky. When I became Controller of Salomon...

The Decline of the quality of life in the United States – Part 1

BY: DAVID LIPMAN, Co-Founder, WEW Llc The quality of life which includes all the basic areas: health, happiness, financial security and life without stress has deteriorated rapidly in the last 4 or 5 decades. In order to provide for a comfortable existence, health...

The Change for Women Taking Place Worldwide

As I look at my business career, I had to develop the ability to see changes taking place before they materialized. This is something that you learn and experience in a world where the only thing you can be sure of is change which always starts to happen before anyone...

How to Enhance Your Career Without Changing Jobs

Author: Cynthia D. McCauley Most professionals think they have to change jobs every three years to get ahead. But you really don’t have to move to a new job or company to advance your career. Chances are, your current job offers challenges and opportunities you...

What Is Poise?

To be poised is to have both a mental and physical mastery over yourself.  It’s clarity and forthrightness under pressure. It’s steadfast confidence and decisive, rational action. It’s phronesis, strength, and composure. Poise is shown in the graceful and elegant...

Thinking & Planning Long-Term

A very large amount of material has been written about this important subject and for most people this is the furthest thing from their mind. Allot has to do with your current age, current marital status, number of children, amount of money you earn, your expenses and...



The New Rules of Work THE MODERN PLAYBOOK TO NAVIGATING YOUR CAREER In this definitive playbook to the ever-changing workplace, the co-founders of the popular career website show you how to play the career game by the New Rules. WRITTEN BY Kathryn Minshew...

7 Ways Being A Mom Makes Me Better At My Job

7 Ways Being A Mom Makes Me Better At My Job

By Claire Zulkey May 14th, 2017 Karen Tappin took a one-day maternity leave. It would have been shorter, if not for her husband. The day after her 2007 home birth, the founder and CEO of the beauty line Karen’s Body Beautiful put her daughter in a wrap and tried to...

30 Motivational Quotes To Remind You To Believe In Yourself

30 Motivational Quotes To Remind You To Believe In Yourself

At some time in our life, we all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves who we really are, then evaluate what we would like to change to feel better about ourselves. This evaluation can be painful, but in the end we will feel a new beginning, if we are honest...

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