Start making changes that enable you take control of your life and future. Working women often struggle to find the perfect work-life balance. All too often, they feel guilty and stressed out because they feel they are unable to give everything they can to their careers and their family. Additionally, gender inequality in the workplace is still an unfortunate reality for the 21st century female professional. However, the truth is that you can have a thriving career, happy family life at home, and even some time in solitude for yourself. The following work-life balance tips and articles explore various topics and ideas to help women achieve and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

How to Encourage Your Kids, to Get Better Behavior From Them

By Kathy Koch Miranda is tired of nagging her preteen daughter to do her chores. Jack doesn’t know how to motivate his son to turn off the video games and tackle his schoolwork. Amanda struggles to help her sensitive kindergartener deal with his big emotions. What do...

When Self-Help Just Makes Your Life Worse

By Maggie Puniewska December 5th, 2018 It started with the internet. Every time she was online, it seemed like Bénédicte Kinkolo was served up another story about some successful person doing something great: running a business, winning awards, making millions of...

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

By Sara Levavi-Eilat   Have you ever been harassed in the street? Received a crass message on a dating app? Had a coworker make a comment about your appearance that just didn’t sit right? You’re not alone. With the #MeToo movement, it’s easy to log onto Twitter...

Why We Buy The Things We Buy

Why We Buy The Things We Buy

The mysteries of consumer behavior, explained by ice cream and independent bookstores. By David Sax September 11th, 2018 A food trend arrived two summers ago in the neighborhood of Toronto where I live that continues to beguile me for its endurance. In an area with...

How Do You Make Friends As An Adult?

How Do You Make Friends As An Adult?

By: Kate Leaver March 28th, 2018 Looking back at your childhood with rose-tinted glasses can trick you into thinking it was easy to make friends as a kid. You shared a biscuit, a puzzle and maybe some germs, and you had a friend for life. But the playground is a harsh...

Finding The Right Activities For Your Children

Finding The Right Activities For Your Children

Believe it or not, it is that time of year again. As we get the backpacks and new crayons ready to go for school, we might also be thinking about extracurricular activities for our children. These programs are a great way to expose children to activities or sports...

How To Stay Safe Online

By Ben Andrews, Matt Hanson, Nate Drake December 4th, 2017 Our online privacy is something we should all care about – in particular, what information we're revealing about ourselves without knowing it. Assuming you're not doing anything illegal, there's nothing...

Women’s Changing Role in Family and The Workplace

One of the main institutions in society is found within the household and is popularly known as “The Family”. It is here, in the family, where the commencement of society takes place. It is amongst this unit that the origin of women’s oppression began with the...

What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother

BY ADRIENNE LAFRANCE JAN 8, 2015 From joy and attachment to anxiety and protectiveness, mothering behavior begins with biochemical reactions. The artist Sarah Walker once told me that becoming a mother is like discovering the existence of a strange new room in the...

Consumerism. Shopping. Sale Trap.

When it comes to shopping I both like it and hate it. For some unknown reason I find it very hard to pass by a shop that screams SALE. Even though there are sales, Black Fridays, sample sales almost every day, I still find it hard to resist just checking what’s on...

33 Powerful Ways of Overcoming Fear Right Now

Source:   Getting through fear is a skill that anyone can learn. The problem is that most people cling to their fears, because it seams easier, safer, and comforting. If you aren’t ready to face your fears, you probably won’t transcend...

Parenting in the Dangerous World

Author: Lisa C. Baker Overprotective parenting has become a lifestyle for many families, as parents hover over their children in fear that they might get hurt. But kids also need to experience the world firsthand in order to learn and grow. How do you find the balance...

Our Teens are Getting the Wrong Idea about Body Love

Author: Amy Roskelley When body love is appearance-focused, it’s not really helping our kids. I recently messaged all the teenagers I knew on Instagram to ask them what they thought it means to love your body. I wasn’t exactly surprised by their answers; they matched...

Importance of self-esteem

Our self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. If you have low self-esteem you may feel: like you hate or dislike yourself worthless or not good enough unable to make decisions or assert yourself like no one likes you you blame yourself for things that aren't...

The Art of Listening

BY: DAVID LIPMAN, Co-Founder, WEW Llc Which is harder to master and which is more important? Talking or Listening? Listening, truly listening is not only much harder but requires special skills and years of practice to be effective at it. You may listen to two people...

How to Protect Your Child From a Predator: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Authors: Jessica Snyder Sachs and Melissa Bykofsky As young female gymnasts shared their horrifying stories of sexual assault during former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar's sentencing hearing, parents across the country asked themselves how this predator remained...

Teaching your Children about money in the digital world

Source: 'Invisible money' is becoming more prominent in the digital age, teaching your children about money and how to manage it is now more important than ever. The 2016 UK...

Raising Kids in a Digital World

Author: Robin Raskin, founder of Living in Digital Times (LIDT) After watching kids and technology metamorphose for the past 30 years, I’ve come to some big picture thoughts for any parent who’s made technology an integral part of their family life. First: There are...

50 Tips to Increase Happiness & Self-Contentment

Source:  Health Fitness Revolution Don’t settle for how happy you are right now. Take action and increase your own happiness! Sometimes it seems like happiness is arbitrary, coming and going as it pleases. But there are plenty of things you can get started on right...

Difference Between Happiness and Contentment

  Happiness vs Contentment  Even though most of us often consider happiness and contentment as synonymous, this is inaccurate because there is a difference between their meanings. Words such as happiness, contentment, and elation all refer to positive emotions or...

9 Important Strategies for Raising Children in a World of Technology

Author: Joshua Becker “We refuse to turn off our computers, turn off our phone, log off Facebook, and just sit in silence, because in those moments we might actually have to face up to who we really are.” —Jefferson Bethke There are no proven answers to the questions...


Mike Hedrick is a writer based in Boulder, Colorado Instead of trying to look for happiness, you should aim for the more manageable goal of contentment. I think this is something we would all do well to wrap our heads around because constant happiness, as it stands,...

Want your kids to talk to you? Try this…

Author: Kevin Leman ( If you want your kids to talk to you, don’t ask them questions. Kids and husbands have a lot in common—both hate questions. Husbands don’t have the nerve to tell their wives how much they detest the why word. Kids? Boys will...

Accepting Loneliness

About the Author Karyn Hall, Ph.D., is the director/owner of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Center in Houston, Texas, and a consultant/trainer with the Treatment Implementation Collaborative. Being lonely seems to carry a stigma, yet most people feel lonely at...

How to Stay Interesting While Being a Mother 24/7

I am a mother of two amazing boys. I know it sounds boring, but they are my life, my love, my strength, my miracle. However, I still like to go out, meet interesting people, mingle with other professionals, as well as dance until the morning. I spent almost 4 years on...

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

The most common form of ID theft isn't even what most people think of as ID theft. It is old-fashioned credit-card fraud and check-kiting, with someone fraudulently accessing your credit- or debit-card account. It affects about 4 percent of households. What's more, in...

The Cult of Beauty, Youth and the Classical Attributes of Femininity

It doesn’t matter witch part of the world you came from, I believe we all know Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, … And only when I as an adult started reading these tales to my own children I was shocked how wrong it all suddenly felt. I...

Can Technology Be Addictive?

Studies have shown that psychological issues, often caused by pain or unmet needs in childhood, are far more likely to lead to an addiction to something than that something (whatever it is—heroin, sugar, sex) is likely to cause an addiction in a psychologically...

Plato Would Have Wanted You to Unplug

Technology Addiction, Technophobia, and Kids These Days I’m in my mid-thirties, which means my social media feed is full of pictures of tonight’s dinner, links to obituaries for 80’s celebrities, and angst-filled articles about how kids these days are terrible because...

Work, Home, Multiple Roles, & Stress

Women and multiple roles Women take on multiple roles in today’s society. Some roles are by choice and other roles are chosen for women. Women’s roles often include family obligations, caretaking for children and/or elderly parent and work responsibilities as well as...

Top Online Threats To Your Cybersecurity And How To Deal With Them

Top Online Threats To Your Cybersecurity And How To Deal With Them

By: R.L. Adams, CONTRIBUTOR April 4, 2017 News flashes and sound bites are constantly calling our attention to the latest hacks or threats to our cybersecurity that seem to be filling our social media news feeds and television reporting circuits. While there are...

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